Dr. Mache Seibel

Harvard Medical School faculty physician, best-selling author and award-winning musician, leading authority on women’s wellness and menopause; uses humor, stories, music to edutain.






Dr. Mache Seibel is one of America’s leading voices on women’s wellness and menopause and an award-winning medical journalist. He is a highly sought after health communicator and keynote speaker with a unique ability to combine health information with original music, humor, and stories that emotionally capture the audience and hold their attention “while the medicine goes down.” A 20-year member of the Harvard Medical School faculty, Dr. Mache provides up to the second information on health, wellness, and balance in life. Dr. Mache has received multiple national awards for speaking, teaching and research. He is Editor of The Hot Years – My Menopause Magazine, author of 15 books on women’s health and over 200 scientific articles. Invite Dr. Mache to your event and your audience will laugh while they learn!

From Dr. Mache himself:
“My goal is to take the fear and confusion out of health information so your audience can make healthcare decisions that help them enjoy the life they want to live. Women make over 80% of healthcare decisions for their families. And making the right healthcare decisions affects everything: her health, her family’s health, her relationship with her partner, and her effectiveness at work. But getting understandable, accurate health information isn’t easy. It’s like panning for gold nuggets of information in a raging river of confusion and misinformation.

Believe me, I get this…

When my wife Sharon had surgery that threw her into early menopause, her doctors were reluctant to prescribe her hormones because it was only months after a HUGE study incorrectly reported that hormones cause breast cancer and more. I had to figure it out so she wouldn’t have to tough it out. After speaking to hundreds of women and doctors around the country during my national book tour, I realize most women are not getting accurate health information about midlife. And that’s risky business. It causes the body to age faster and increases the risk for chronic illnesses. My 5-step holistic approach will give your audience a fresh perspective with or without hormones, so they can make informed decisions for their body, mind and spirit. The magic is sprinkling in a spoonful of humor and music to help the medicine go down. I know your audience will appreciate my message and get out of their chairs to take action.”

Keynote Presentations

Amp Up Your Health: Songs that go in one ear…and Rock the other!
Dr. Mache combines stories and gold nuggets of wisdom with his original award-winning music to make health information memorable and actionable. Your audience will learn to:

  • Overcome barriers to good health
  • Get out of their chairs and take action to stay healthy
  • Identify potential causes of illness and make healthy adjustments
  • Incorporate great health choices and common sense into their daily lives
Workplace Impact of Menopause: The Silent Ceiling

If I told you one health symptom cost the country $14 Billion, affected 9 million workers, and caused roughly 50 million work days lost…every year, I wonder if your list would include hot flashes. Menopause remains a taboo topic in most workplaces. Women don’t want to admit they are going through it. Men don’t want to talk about “women’s health issues.” Most people are unaware of the workplace impact of menopause and those that are tend to be unaware there are solutions.

In this talk I will break the silence and explain:

  • The scope of the problem
  • The impact on the women affected and on the workplace
  • Offer solutions that can be implemented in any office setting to get their workers back in balance and improve their bottom line

Walk away with a transformative understanding of a major workplace issue affecting millions and how to make it better.

Get Back In Balance: What Every Woman Over 40 Needs To Know

Meet the 7 Dwarfs of Perimenopause: Itchy, Bitchy, Sweaty, Sleepy, Bloated, Forgetful and Psycho. Dr. Mache explains who they are, where they came from, and how to make them go away. He’ll help your audience get midlife back in balance.

How To Take Care of The SUM of You, Not Just SOME of You™
Good health isn’t an accident; it’s a strategy. Dr. Mache shares his 5-Step Holistic System for navigating midlife. With his system, you will gain the essential steps needed to take care of the SUM of you with processes that include body, mind and spirit.
Menopause Survival for Men
Menopause can be a challenge for women. But it can be also be a challenge for the men who live, love or work with them. What’s a guy supposed to do? Discover what you need to know to take the mystery out of menopause and the challenge out of “the change.” Whether at home or at work, this humorous and life-changing discussion will show you how to win a gold medal in the menopause marathon, and be the best partner on the block, or a champion in the workplace!

Dr. Mache Seibel Testimonials

“Music makes people more receptive to learning and helps increase retention. Dr. Mache’s HealthRock® is a uniquely brilliant format for sharing health messages.”

Mehmet Oz, MD

“Dr. Seibel really impressed me and he was extremely entertaining. If you get a chance to experience this man, please do it because you will walk away with a wealth of knowledge.”

Shamonda (Audience and VP Bank America)

“He makes complicated information easy to understand.”

Karen Giblin, President, Red Hot Mamas

“It’s not often I hear somebody stand up in front of a room and just hold my interest and capture an audience the way he did. Dr. Seibel was just terrific!”
Nancy (Audience member)

“I was impressed by his ability to easily and thoroughly answer the many questions that were asked of him. He really was a terrific speaker.”
Martha Cohen Barratt, Temple Beth Shalom, Needham, MA

